Poetry Around the World

Childrens' Poetry Around the World
Poetry is the color of music, the rhyme of the rainbow, and the rhythm of life. Poetry is ambrosia and nectar, the food of the gods, nourishment for the soul. Here are some collections of poetry which you can celebrate with a child.
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Reader's Theater

How to Read Aloud
Radio plays bring us back to the days when there weren't the visuals of television. Listeners relied upon the talents of readers to visualize the story in their minds. Here's a guide to reading aloud for storytelling, reader's theater and radio plays.
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Fantasy Literature Like Harry Potter

Grieving Over End of Harry Potter Series? Take Comfort in These Great Reads
You think now, that you'll never love another as you did Harry Potter. And that may be true. But take some solace in the arms of these great works of fantasy literature while you grieve the end of Harry.
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How to Read Shakespeare

DIY Guide: How to Read Shakespeare
If high school students were asked, 'Who would you most wish to see tortured?', William Shakespeare would top the list. English teachers love 16th century dialogue; English students don't. Here's a reader's guide to Shakespeare.
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